How to Sell Your Home Fast in Clearwater, Florida
Selling your home might seem like a simple proposition. But selling your home fast in Clearwater is an entirely different question.
The fact is there’s no such thing as a right time to sell your home. That’s because the right time is when there’s the most demand. The residential real estate market has its ups and downs based on the unpredictability of customers. What might seem like a hot new neighborhood in Clearwater, Florida right now was considered untouchable just a few years ago.
A quick turnaround time for a home sale is never guaranteed. But there are techniques that can help you sell your home a lot faster.
It May Not Be the Location but the Price
Homes typically sit on the market for up to 90 days before selling for one simple reason: there’s no price advantage.
But a price advantage shouldn’t come at your disadvantage, either. Price too high and you’re not likely to get many offers. Price too low, and you’ll get plenty of offers. They’ll just be at lower than your asking price. Review sales history in your neighborhood and list at a price that you think is reasonable. Just be aware that negotiations will be inevitable and there’s no such thing as a fair-minded buyer.
Repairs Will Be Necessary
You may not have enough time to do a complete kitchen remodel if you’re hoping to sell your home quickly. But you will have time for basic repairs.
You might not think a broken kitchen tile will be a deal breaker. But to a buyer, it’s a sure sign of neglect. And what goes for the inside of your house goes for the outside as well. If you’ve been putting off cleaning the gutters or repainting your house, you might find it sitting on the market for longer than it should. General home repairs can be costly (recent estimates indicate they can start at roughly $4,0000), but it can make all the difference in the world between selling your home quickly and selling your home at a steal.
Let Your House Describe Itself
A lot of people create listings for their homes based on standard features—square footage, age and proximity to Clearwater amenities being three of the most popular. While those may be necessary selling points, there are other things to consider.
Your house has a story to tell. What’s its historical value? What’s the hidden side of your neighborhood that buyers might not necessarily know about? More importantly, who’s your target audience? Young professionals? Young families? Retirees? Knowing just who you’re trying to reach is the key to knowing how to reach them. Just make certain your listing complements neighborhood trends, not contrast with them.
Set the Stage
Staging your home to sell isn’t anywhere near as complicated as many homeowners might think. But there’s a right way to stage and a wrong way.
Simply by rearranging your furniture and removing area rugs, you can create the illusion of a much more open space—one of the bigger selling points for many buyers. Keeping your curtains drawn allows for plenty of natural light, accentuating your home’s innate beauty and creating a soft, welcoming environment. Just make certain there’s no excessive clutter or personal mementoes laying around. Buyers know their own decorative tastes and they’re not likely the same as yours.
FSBO vs Agents
It’s entirely possible to sell your home fast on your own, provided you have the patience, foreknowledge of the market and marketing skills necessary to do so. That’s the advantage of using an agent. They already have a preexisting list of prospective buyers.
The downside of using an agent to sell your home is that their fees can sometimes be as much as 6 percent of a sale, That’s after negotiating the price. And there’s no way of knowing whether or not your home will actually sell. A home buying company such as Home Buyer Tampa, on the other hand, is one guaranteed way of selling your house quickly. We will review your home, quote you an estimate, and complete the entire process—typically in under two weeks. And if you’re looking for an immediate solution to a pressing financial need, there’s never been an easier and more effective way of selling a home promptly, securely and conveniently.
Is this something you’re interested in? Give us a call today or fill out the form below! We look forward to speaking with you.